We’re talking about double chin. It usually comes with age, though it can also come from a bad diet or lifestyle. You have to be careful when you’re trying to get rid of your double chin and what you are doing. Here are some tips that I’ve found to help me get rid of my Double chin.

1) Try to avoid eating high-calorie foods

If we’ve all heard about the benefits of going on diets in order to lose weight or just for health reasons (and we will), then eating super high-calorie foods is one of them. These types of foods have been proven ineffective in reducing weight, so if you choose to eat such foods try to stay off of them. However, some people find their weight loss results after they’ve only consumed these sugary foods. So, try to look at healthy options.

2) Use weights only once a week

This idea came from some people who used to go to the gym and burn out almost every week and even less each month. Weight loss is possible though if you stick to it a little. The thing that I’m most proud of in regards to weight loss is when I stopped eating things that caused more than 5 pounds of fat around my waistline a year ago. After about 2 years, I had lost 10 pounds and 2 kgs of chinos. You need consistency in terms of weight loss and you need something that lasts over a long period of time as well.

3) Don’t deprive yourself of any nutrition

I’ve never tried to give up on proper nutrition and I don’t think there would be any way for me to go and live off of lettuce. One thing that I know is that I have to be mindful of what I am being given to eat. If I am being given low-fat milk and other ingredients for my breakfast, I need to make sure that my calories aren’t getting in my way.

There are many restaurants and grocery stores that don’t allow fats like hydrogenated oils and trans fats so try not to buy any packaged food on those days. Check out all your labels and ask for healthier alternatives if you are having problems keeping track of them. Not only will this help you cut back on those fats but it will also help you feel better about where your fats are coming from.

4) Don’t skip meals

You need to have some kind of meal plan set out before you can start eating in portions again. That means that you can pick out a type of meal or snacks that you are going to have to eat so that you will end up staying full without missing a single meal. This doesn’t only mean staying away from fast food (unless it’s the burgers they serve or whatever they call it) but also the comfort foods that you ate before. As you can see, your body does not burn carbohydrates when you’re asleep so you should keep feeding it through food. The problem is that sometimes we tend to skip our meals because we are afraid that we might not be hungry and we want to eat more instead of taking care of ourselves. And then we may give ourselves an excuse to eat more or go out and spend money on junk food.

I personally don’t skip meals but I do feel guilty when it seems like I am feeding myself too much in one sitting or when I feel like that extra portion at the dinner table. Eating a proper portion of food in moderation is important and I hope that you learn something about how you can help yourself. Good luck!

5) Eat healthy foods but enjoy your favorite dishes

If you skip out on eating a big hearty meal and decide to just have a few small plates of fish on the side and watch Netflix shows while everyone else has their lunch (or dinner), well good. No one wants to sit down and eat a half-hour later. In fact, you shouldn’t eat anything for more than 15 minutes at a time (unless you are very sick). But in general, I love to eat healthy foods but if I can make myself have a nice glass of wine with that and have dinner in one sitting, then great too.

I always say that I cannot complain about having health issues like I can’t live off of salads. They don’t come with them and I can’t complain because I don’t have issues with what I eat. Healthy foods are great but remember that when you are in pain you don’t need to stop eating. On the flip side, when you’re ill with Covid-19 or any other health issues, you probably don’t feel like eating a normal night meal anymore. There are a lot of restrictions from doctors but they can be lifted and you can still eat a nutritious diet without issues. Remember to eat enough healthy fats and protein and try to balance your diet to avoid too much sugar (which isn’t healthy).

Also, I believe that anyone should play catch up on music, movies and books to help distract from work from home as well. Music is awesome and there is nothing better than working out while listening to your favorite songs. Movies are great too but especially now when you’re stuck in the house you should consider giving yourself some movie time. Lastly, books are great for self-study and reading about different topics.

And finally, I believe that everyone should take care of themselves by going out and spending quality time with friends. You deserve a celebration after a hard day at work! Have sex with someone close to you, talk to a friend from school or just share a coffee or a beer with a loved one. Go catch up with old friends, sit in front of the tv or go out to the bar and have fun. Workout buddy groups or group fitness classes are another good opportunity to make your workouts and socializing a bit. All in all, everyone deserves to relax and unwind in nature and I am glad that we can all now do so!